Selasa, 20 Oktober 2015

contoh soal science "sense organs and body system"

1.      Pray before doing the test!
2.      Write your identity in blank space!
3.      Check the question carefully before doing it!
4.      Recheck the answer before submitting to the teacher
Cross a, b, c or d on the right answer!

1.      We can see by.....
a.       eyes           b. Ear               c. Skin             d. nose
2.      we can nose
a. feel              b. Touch          c. Hear             d. smell
3.      We our skin
a.       smell          b. See              c. Touch          d. Taste
4.      We our tongue
a.       Taste          b. Ear               c. Skin             d. nose
5.      We our ear
a. hear b. Touch          c. Smell           d. feel
6.      Part of eyes that cover eyes is.......
a. pupil                        b. Iris               c. Cornea         d. Retina
7.      Part of eyes that focus image is.........
a. lens              b. Pupil            c. Iris               d. retina
8.      A..............send message to brain
a.       Retina        b. Lens                        c. Iris               d. Cornea
9.      A part of ear that collect sound is..........
a.       Eardrum                b. Pinna           c. cochlea        d. Ear canal
10.  In.............the vibration occur
a. ear canal                  b. Pinna           c. Cochlea       d. eardrum
11.  Part of tongue is........
a. nasal chamber          b. Buds                        c. Nostril         d. epidermis
12.  Our skeleton can.............vital organ
a.       fix        b. Shape          c. Protect         d. Destroy
13.  A..............protect brain
a. rib                b. Skull            c. Teeth           d. Sense organ
14.  Muscular system help us to..........
a.       Move               b. Breathe        c. Shape body             d. eat              
15.  The first part of our digestive system is...........
a.       Mouth                         b. Foodpipe                 c. Anus            d. lungs
16.  Lungs belongs to..............system
a.       Respiratory      b. Skeletal                   c. Circulatory              d. Muscular
17.  Heart belongs to...........system
a.       Skeletal           b. Nervous       c. Circulatory                         d. Digestive system
18.  Organ that we find in urinary system is........
a.       Kidney                        b. Lungs          c. Heart           d. Skull  
19.  One way to keep our eyes healthy is by.....
a.       Reading in dark place
b.      Reading in bright place
c.       Sleep late at night
d.      Drink coffee
20.  To have good muscle, we have to....
a.       Excercise         b. Sleep more              c. Eat more      d. study
Answer the question below briefly!
1.      In dark area, our eyes will be...........
2.      Part of nose are nostril and.............
3.      Part of ear that send message to brain is.............
4.      We can........with our tongue
5.      We can...........with our skin
6.      Skeleton.............our body
7.      Small intestines belongs to................system
8.      Inhale and exhale are the process in....................system
9.      Mouth-..............stomach-................-large intestines-anus
10.  Eyes organ that send message to brain is..............
Answer the question below!
            1. Write five sense organs!
            2. Write three parts of eyes!
            3. Write three parts of ear!
            4. Write three system in our body!
            5. Write three functions of skeleton!

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  Cross a,b,c or d of the right answer! 1.       Kim :................? Ran: I am twelve a.        How are you                        ...